Custom Launch System Design Services

We like to think of it as "Dream Support Equipment!"

  We've designed and built a lot of rocket launch systems over the last 10 years. Some were commercial successes, some weren't. Some were discontinued for reasons having nothing to do with their, batteries or components suddenly got too expensive to keep the product at a reasonable price. But we have been pleasantly surprised at how many people have told us that they got years of good service out of our systems.

  Occasionally we'll get a request for a customized version of one of our systems to meet a specific need. One customer asked for a system with a buzzer with a special tone in a range that he could hear well. We've built special launch systems with replaceable battery packs for NAR teams traveling overseas to international events. Once, on a dare, we built a 12-volt 20-amp nicad powered launch system into a case used for a TV remote control. We've done remote relay units that interfaced with a club's existing launch controller, special "away cells" for big hybrids, and simple launcher kits for kids to assemble in class. We've even sold launch systems to NASA; there's one of our RTLS systems bolted to a tower at Wallops Island, used for small scale student sounding rocket payloads. 
We have gotten a lot of great feedback and suggestions, many of which have been incorporated into our standard products. Sometimes a good idea can't get into a product for other reasons, like parts cost or availability. So, we decided to offer a custom design service, and allow people to pick the features that are most useful to them...or, better yet, to come up with features we haven't imagined.  


What will it cost That depends on a lot of factors, primarily the cost and availability of parts. We buy components for our standard line in quantities that help us keep costs and prices under control. Unique products tend to cost more on that basis, as well as factors like the time it takes to source and evaluate parts quality, work out fabrication steps, quality assurance testing, and so on. So it will be a process, working something like this:

First, come to us with a list of what you want in your ideal launch system. Throw in everything imaginable. We'll see how close to reality we can get with it. There is no charge for this phase. If you like the first cut, we'll prepare an estimate for the next phase: basic design work, parts sourcing and testing, scheduling. Many subassemblies from our present products may be useful in the new design, saving you time and money. Once we agree on this, we'll negotiate a partial advance payment and proceed. As we progress toward a finished product, you will be informed of anything that changes the plan or the price, and have the option to renegotiate. When the product is done, it will be shipped to you and you will make the final payment. If you are unhappy or dissatisfied with the result, it will either be adjusted to your satisfaction or you will receive a refund of the final payment. The advance payment will cover our costs of development in a worst-case scenario where we can't agree on the final product. 



  To inquire about this service, please send us an email at or call us at . Email is preferred so we have something in writing to work from. We will be glad to hear your thoughts and ideas.

  Possible options for a custom launch system:
  • Onboard rechargeable batteries
  • Flexible power sources: car cigar lighters, gel cells, alkaline batteries
  • Auxiliary power inputs
  • Relay systems for maximum current output
  • Non-pyrotechnic ignition with GOX and high voltage
  • Filling any kind of hybrid motor
  • Remote pads with cable runs of up to 4000 feet
  • Custom carrying cases, enclosures and cord reels
  • Audible or visual continuity, power, and other alerts
  • Simple or advanced safety interlock systems
  • Multi-pad club launch systems
  • Solar panels to recharge onboard batteries
  • Remote monitoring of pad conditions (audio/video/both)
  • Pad support for special payloads
  • Things we haven't thought of, but you have!

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